Npm package - AngularJS wrapper for multi-select jquery plugin
June 11, 2018An AngularJS wrapper for the good jQuery plugin multi-select Docs Demo https://moshfeu…
An AngularJS wrapper for the good jQuery plugin multi-select Docs Demo https://moshfeu…
A tiny library to animate the placeholder of the beloved select2 plugin Docs
Be aware of the "dark side" of css animations fill-mode . We usually use "fill-mode" when we want the element the browser just animated to…
Disclaimer: I’m a Frontend developer at Wix, that’s right. But this post written as a result of my experience as a “regular” user. I even…
I had an idea in my head for some time - to build an app with Electron . It’s part of my try to build with JavaScript apps in any platform…
Notifications are great. When an app wants to take its user attention, usually when a (long) process was done and maybe the user moved to…
While I worked on a project I was involved (Coding-Coach if you must know 😉) I faced with an interesting challenge. The project users…